Implicit Bias Test

I took the sexuality IAT when doing the implicit bias test and I got "your responses suggested a strong automatic preference for Straight people over Gay people". I thought the idea of the test was interesting especially with the visual test where it made you use "E" and "I" to classify things that were good and and bad while doing the same for "homosexual" and "heterosexual". It was easy at first because you just focused on one specific thing which was good and bad before it made you group things with "good" and "homosexual" or "bad" and "heterosexual" and vice versa.  I thought the test was pretty cool overall and it challenged you to react quickly when putting the words in their designated categories.
The results didn't really surprise me. I feel like there isn't really much to say on my end with the results. I hope that doesn't sound arrogant or anything lol. 
